How It Works
The Audit

Fund Recovery Representatives examine the financial records of  governmental entities, including noting improper or careless practices of excess funds. It is through our auditing that we locate funds that are abandoned by private citizens who are unaware that these government agencies may be holding them.

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Now, be advised, these funds are held for only a brief period of time. After which, the agency responsible for them is permitted to seize them through a process called “escheatment”.

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Our Vision

 Did you know that over $3 billion in “unclaimed funds” go to our government annually? Governments are HUNGRY for MONEY and this money is “hidden under the carpet”-you don’t ask…they won’t tell. That’s where WE come in. Our Vision is simple…get the money of the people back into the hands of the people to which it belongs! In this time of uncertainty, do not allow what’s rightfully yours to be taken by faceless U.S. government agencies. We can help!


Frequently Asked Questions

 Fund Recovery Representatives audit governmental agencies’ financial records throughout the U.S. Once the funds have been located, we search through government records to locate the claimants. 

Fund Recovery Representatives work on a contingent basis. Since we don’t charge an upfront fee, We can’t disclose the exact nature or location of the funds until we have a signed collection agreement with you. We’re sure you can understand why we’d both want certain guarantees in place before moving forward.

It is best to let a professional auditing firm such as Fund Recovery Representatives pursue your claim. Remember…the purpose for us contacting you is your funds will soon escheat to the government, meaning you can no longer claim them. 

We NEVER ask for money upfront. We’re only paid if and when we’re successful. There are never any out-of-pocket costs to you and we’ll split whatever is recovered, with you keeping the lion’s share.

After a claim is processed, it typically takes between 2-4 months to receive funds.